
The state of the art of certain artistic objects has, throughout history, often been defended. Critics, theorists, philosophers have intervened. What if art itself defends itself?
Instinkt is an installation that defends itself by repelling people through the use of ‘artificial intelligence: as you advance toward it, the neural network determines the intensity of the glow and the volume and nature of the sound to be generated so that one inevitably moves away.
Instinkt is an installation that defends itself by repelling people through the use of ‘artificial intelligence: as you advance toward it, the neural network determines the intensity of the glow and the volume and nature of the sound to be generated so that one inevitably moves away.

Tonoptik is an art project in the field of new media, audiovisual, sound art and art and science, built around a common idea and a typical for the project minimalist aesthetic. They experiment with sound and visual configurations, basing our approach on a free exploration of modern technologies and their interaction with humans. Tonoptik participated at many international music/new media art festivals and exhibitions.