Encounters at the other side
Jurgis Peters

Encounters At The Other Side is an attempt to personify the faceless algorithms that have crept into our lives. The interaction with the installation, through a Leap motion controller generates in real time an ever-changing video, in which it can be observed the emergence of perturbing entities. As these emerge from the abstract magma of the realm of their constituent data, they gradually take on human characteristics, until it is no longer possible to distinguish the human from the artificial.

Peters Jurgis (1991) is a latvian new media artist.
His work comprises visual explorations into the impact of various phenomena caused by advances in technology. With a background in machine learning algorithms, Jurgis believes that the future will bring AI and human co-creation – where algorithms are used to enhance a human artist’s capabilities.
His work comprises visual explorations into the impact of various phenomena caused by advances in technology. With a background in machine learning algorithms, Jurgis believes that the future will bring AI and human co-creation – where algorithms are used to enhance a human artist’s capabilities.